Many companies often underestimate the threat from organized cybercriminals and industrial espionage. Even risks that may arise from its own employees, have little presence.
Firewalls and perimeter security are now outdated in the distributed nature of many enterprise networks, in principle. New approaches, such as the Identity Relationship Management (IRM) can be a way out.
Hardly a day on which the press cannot report a blatant attack on the data security or cyber-attacks. One event after another: meetings may each. Recent cases like the pecking of Lufthansa Miles accounts of frequent flyers or bonus card users have brought clear once again into consciousness.
Many companies often underestimate the growing threat posed by organized crime and cyber economic espionage. Even the risks that may arise from its own employees, are not sufficiently present. Loss of data, the restoration costs, additional working hours and earnings and sales shortfalls pull cost billions of dollars by themselves. But the damage caused by industrial espionage calculates the VDI annually to approximately 100 billion euros. Is it any wonder that the data security is generally doubted, and consumers concerned remembers their past credit card purchases?
Including loss of confidence
Any breach of the data identity always attracts a loss of confidence in the trade mark concerned after themselves, not to mention the damaged customer confidence in the company and in the system in general. Both are extremely difficult to predict and may at worst jeopardize the economic survival of the company, or at least severely impair. Companies that react too late after an incident, have to reckon with substantial fines under certain circumstances. European companies are pressed for time when it comes to a proposal by the European Union for the end of 2015 the introduction of a General Data Protection Regulation (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR) is, according to which uniform rules for the processing of personal data by private companies should be EU-wide.
Such security problems are the logical consequence of the ubiquitous networking: If everything is connected, everything is also vulnerable. Nevertheless, it is true, many companies unexpectedly. Suddenly they realize that they are vulnerable, which creates an awareness of the importance of security procedures and technologies for customers, sales and brand value are.
Safety measures
All companies, non-profit or other organizations that store personal data must consider the security of their IT infrastructure and answer the following questions: How can we avoid risks? How can we ensure that the right users access only to the data they need? And most importantly: How can technical advancements support identity management so that we can continue to benefit from the increasing networking and the exchange of personal data, without being exposed to the risk of non-compliance?
Firewalls and perimeter security are in principle irrelevant, outdated, when so many systems for a large number of users from outside the company must be accessible. Instead, many companies are flirting with an approach to the recently appointed Chief Information Security Officer set of target Brad Maiorino called "attack surface reduction".
In addition to reducing the number of connection points make business registration more complicated. Set of users weak passwords are the Achilles heel of many systems. Therefore, more and more companies implement multifactor authentication to unauthorized individuals to aggravate the guessing passwords or login with stolen credentials.
This makes sense to a certain point - is the login for customers and business partners, however, too difficult, there is a danger to lose their competitors. Instead of being more restrictive, it is necessary that companies increasingly equip their access method with contextual intelligence. Modern single sign (single sign-on, SSO) must go beyond a simple yes / no decision. Access systems should capture the context for each transaction and behave accordingly.
Context includes various factors, such as: In what systems a particular user needs to access in order to meet its legitimate tasks? When this user needs access? Where is this user? Means a precisely defined context for each user can safety systems detect deviations from the norm and reliably respond to these. For registrations of a new device or from another country, for example, an additional authentication should be required.
Contextual intelligence - data access: when and for whom they are meaningful
Contextual intelligence of this kind could have protected target. Why should a supplier of air conditioning systems need access to POS systems? Why would he sign up middle of the night, when maintenance work is normally conducted during business hours? And why he has logged from a remote location, if it does so usually by one of its subsidiaries or a target location? Each of these contextual references have the alarm bells to ring and bring to prevent the breach under certain circumstances.
The increasing extent and the growing number of infringements show that the era of traditional identity and access management (Identity and Access Management, IAM) is over. IAM had been aligned and developed internally to support thousands of employees on their corporate laptops. It is not suitable for safe interaction with potentially millions of external users that log on at anytime from anywhere via various mobile devices, tablets, web browser and the Internet of Things. In the digital world of today the ability to manage a wide range of external users is becoming increasingly important.
Transition to modern IAM is in full swing
Therefore, the industry has begun as a whole, to switch to more modern IAM solutions. This is often referred to as IRM (Identity Relationship Management). Here users receive a digital identity, can interact with the company, with application- seamless and secure services in this way, device and be able to provide for these clients subject across. IRM supports multiple devices per user, responsive to context and is scalable to millions of users. It connects devices, including laptops, phones, touchpads, and even automobiles, as well as new mobile and social apps with a central security platform identity synchronization and SSO anytime, anywhere allows.
Increased transparency by IRM
IRM gives companies a dynamic, proven security system at hand, the virtually surpasses everything there was to date. Because IRM a much higher degree of transparency with a view guaranteed to whom, which devices accessing which systems, it offers far more than just safety-related advantages. These new data will help companies understand their customers and not just to protect. They open up new revenue opportunities with a view to cross-selling, up-selling and the provision of personalized services for customers. The powerful combination of high, adaptive security and personalized customer experience make IRM to a technology that should be all companies quickly undergo a closer look, and indeed before the next serious violation is making headlines, but in any case before it hits itself.
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