Sunday, October 4, 2015

4 improper techniques for the work environment management

Not anywhere where it says User Environment Management, also UEM's inside. Simon Townsend takes the four techniques "Profile Management", "User Environment Virtualization", "User Management Persona" and "Group Policy and Logo scripts" under the microscope, which are often used for UEM be sure but not suitable without restriction.

There are many techniques that promise improved desktop environment for users. Figuring out which of them actually keep this promise, is difficult. Many are also of the opinion that UEM merely a "Windows profile management" is and know the real benefits of a comprehensive user administration not.

First and foremost, UEM contributes to the optimization of user satisfaction. But this is not just for wallpapers or desktop icons, but rather to provide an improved working environment, the maximum productivity without compromising on cost, security or control permits. UEM simplified at the proper implementation of innovation, promotes the success of desktop projects, fixes annoying desktop problems, thereby reducing the capital and operating costs.

In order to decide which of the many UEM solutions best suited, it is important to understand how these solutions really work and which environments they are designed. We see here four techniques more closely, often referred to as a User Environment Management platform. We also examine their functions and deficits.

The reference architecture for Big Data

The IT department often puts in trouble when departments of their demand a Big Data solution.

Most stakeholders is not clear at the beginning of such projects for which the anticipated workloads infrastructure is to be aligned. This makes the trade-off between scalability and cost. A new approach on a reference architecture provides a remedy.

Anyone ordering a motor, should know to what this vehicle is used. Depending on the use of either a high-performance diesel or a petrol engine more quickly, or more recently, a more economical hybrid or electric drive is selected. Departments order being reinforced an engine - in other words: a new infrastructure - in the IT department, whose future application is largely unknown.

We are talking about the development and implementation of a business idea in the field of Big Data. A typical use case from the marketing, for example, the realization of a click-stream analysis. A distribution typical application is the creation of an after-sales analysis, which is expected by the IT to detect the systems that consolidates and analyzes, thus let himself be "predictive analytics" make forecasts for the future buying behavior of customers. Also in the production and in many other areas are increasingly the need developed for a variety of applications in the area of Big Data Analytics.

Terra Incognita

Essentially, three goals can recognize those who are persecuted by departments attended:

1. The optimization of existing business processes

2. The development of new products and services

3. The chance of an enhanced service orientation

As companies often do not know at the time of request, how an application is developed, are the IT department prior to insufficient information on how it is to align the infrastructure and what scalability is required. Nevertheless, from the department a sustainable solution "for all cases" expected.

Experton Group compares the best cloud provider

"The Battle of the system houses is in full swing", is one of the results of this year's "Cloud Vendor Benchmark" Experton Group, compares the provider and shows trends.

The steep upward curve shows the cloud investments, which are expected in 2015 in this country made. "No one would have thought that cloud computing is such a long-lasting trend. The theme is not hype, but rather inherent in the system ", Heiko Henkes, Cloud Lead Advisor explained in Experton Group and project leader of the cloud provider comparison in the sixth edition now.

Investment Motor hums

According to the forecast, the cloud expenditures of many companies, driven by Big Data, Mobility, UC, collaboration and the increasing digitization and networking of this year could be around nine billion euros. This would represent an increase of 37 % y.o.y. For the first time of the expenditure on cloud services (+ 39% to EUR 4.6 billion), the total spending on cloud technologies (+ 33% to EUR 2.9 billion) as well as consulting and integration services (+ 38% to 1.6 billion euros) over wings.

What remains for local system houses?

Looking at the top players, especially for IaaS in self-service Public Clouds to Experton however, asks whether "the great Hyperscaler as AWS, Microsoft and - remain Google in the highly standardized IT environment and thus - already relegated for the local system houses only the place is reserved in the managed service corner ". In this segment, there is therefore only a hoster or a system house that offers the great significant headwinds. Also generally roll the wave of consolidation among system vendors continue.

In addition, shrinking the traditional IT market. While traditional hardware and software expenditures stagnate or decline, what the classical ISVs sit among other under pressure, the "catch basin Services" climb to continue - through expenditures in cloud concepts. "The software market is as usual no longer exist," says Henke - and as many will be fond of perhaps faster. Experton estimates that in 2019 SaaS accepts the supremacy.

Digitization positive - but also brings stress and heavy workload

New technologies, communication platforms and constant accessibility: Digitization its way into everyday working life. Simultaneously, the stress increases, the line between work and leisure.

How to evaluate the employees? This and many other important questions after the current Edenred-Ipsos barometer to well-being and motivation of employees.

The result is causing a stir:
The impact of digital development is perceived by the workers for the most part positive. So are about nearly half of (47 %) of respondents said that the autonomy is improved when working through digitization. 45 % say that the collaboration between the teams of a company benefits from having closely followed by the quality of life at work (43 %).

In addition, can be derived from the study results, but also read that many workers still find no influence - neither positive nor negative. Only 16 % of survey participants confirm that the progressive digitization negative impact on their professional life.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

That's really into the business meetings

Smartphone usage in everyday work

The smartphone is for many a nice distraction in official meetings: Four out of ten professional’s smartphone users do with their mobile phones in meetings besides private things.

Surely you've ever wondered what makes your colleague when he busily looking at his cell phone during the meeting, right? The good news: The digital association Bitkom has now been found. The bad news: Your colleague is doing very likely nothing that has to do with the meeting.
Instead, he makes perhaps the Date for your evening out, playing solitaire or briefed on the latest sports results. And he is no exception. Almost half of all working-smartphone users do with their mobile phone during business meetings Private. 36 % steers itself "so every now and then" off 5 % even regularly!

Emails, WhatsApp or SMS

Who uses his smartphone during meetings for private things, read or answered mostly private messages such as email, WhatsApp messages or SMS (67 %). Around one in three (29 %) use social networks like Facebook or Twitter, one in four plays (27 %) or read the latest news on the net (23 %). 15 % inform yourself about sports results and 6 % buy their smartphones during the meeting on online shopping portals one.

5 tips for better opportunities in the online shop

Stronger sales presence through intelligent IT and presentation

Products and prices are not enough to compete against other applicants in the e-commerce. Seller on the internet can make many things wrong and right. The IT service provider and an expert on e-commerce solutions Nasdo provide 5 tips on how to go on sale and the efficiency can be increased:

1. Make your E-Shop Responsive: The clearest product page is useless if it is bad to consume on smartphones and tablets. Reactive e-Shop websites, which adapt to the respective terminal, increasing not only the shopping experience of customers. They are also SEO friendly. So Google lists Responsive websites since this spring preferably.

2. Sale Shop across: Many shop owners selling in different channels - on eBay, Amazon, and in our own online store. Thus, the inventory data will not care to click marathon, it is advisable to install automated solutions that connect all major online stores and marketplaces in a single enterprise resource planning.

See User Rights in Context

Many companies often underestimate the threat from organized cybercriminals and industrial espionage. Even risks that may arise from its own employees, have little presence.

Firewalls and perimeter security are now outdated in the distributed nature of many enterprise networks, in principle. New approaches, such as the Identity Relationship Management (IRM) can be a way out.

Hardly a day on which the press cannot report a blatant attack on the data security or cyber-attacks. One event after another: meetings may each. Recent cases like the pecking of Lufthansa Miles accounts of frequent flyers or bonus card users have brought clear once again into consciousness.

Many companies often underestimate the growing threat posed by organized crime and cyber economic espionage. Even the risks that may arise from its own employees, are not sufficiently present. Loss of data, the restoration costs, additional working hours and earnings and sales shortfalls pull cost billions of dollars by themselves. But the damage caused by industrial espionage calculates the VDI annually to approximately 100 billion euros. Is it any wonder that the data security is generally doubted, and consumers concerned remembers their past credit card purchases?

Including loss of confidence

Any breach of the data identity always attracts a loss of confidence in the trade mark concerned after themselves, not to mention the damaged customer confidence in the company and in the system in general. Both are extremely difficult to predict and may at worst jeopardize the economic survival of the company, or at least severely impair. Companies that react too late after an incident, have to reckon with substantial fines under certain circumstances. European companies are pressed for time when it comes to a proposal by the European Union for the end of 2015 the introduction of a General Data Protection Regulation (General Data Protection Regulation, GDPR) is, according to which uniform rules for the processing of personal data by private companies should be EU-wide.

Successful in the online business

Statista now been published for the second time an online store trial. This points to the top drivers that lead to increase the probability of purchase in online stores.

The e-commerce market is one of the fastest growing segments purchase. Forecasts suggest that in the current year, a growth of about 12 percent with a total turnover of 43.6 billion euros in the market can be expected. Around 550,000 online stores, there are estimated to total in the market. It is absolutely imperative According Statista therefore, to know the screws of the market in order to prevail in tough competition can - and shop visitors to successfully convert into buyers.

The online shop trial of Statista has revealed that there is not always a correlation between traffic and purchase probability. For example, Amazon has experienced an above-average traffic, however, is the actual purchase probability two percentage points below the source, who boast a lot less traffic to their website.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Less Legacy through IT standardization

Uniform systems will relieve the IT. That has always been the desire of CIOs. The associated automation enables repeatable processes in quality and in the shortest time. Linked to this is a new expectation of customers and employees.

You want an intuitive user interface and fast search functions, which can be found records from different areas and can take advantage of applications across divisions. Controlled degradation of legacy systems is therefore not a question of "if" but "how".

Inventory: In some areas, existing legacy system is quite useful, for example, if it only comes to the transaction is a defined records. However, to develop and deliver applications quickly, they are often a hindrance. IT managers need to keep the various application scenarios in mind.

Know what needs to change

A radical change should be accompanied only by an experienced IT. Not only the system landscape looks in every company is different, the requirements are depending on the sector. The Banks make changes conservatively and in small increments, which is also due to the very strict compliance requirements. Modernize a much greater dynamics, systems and applications, however, appears in the field of marketing, HR or Facilities Management. But be careful, out of sheer euphoria can rapidly a new problem with silo applications arise.

Reduce the financial risks of a company insolvency contestation

Companies in the manufacturing sector are the insolvency contesting not defenseless. Based on current judgments of the Federal Court, they can reduce their financial risk.

The application for insolvency of a business partner has for companies in the manufacturing industry a huge impact - even by the so-called insolvency contestation. Had the insolvent company's financial problems is known for some time, request its liquidator often back payments that were obtained up to ten years before the bankruptcy petition. The preconditions for this are relatively low after the Federal Court of Justice case law. Under certain circumstances, it is sufficient if the business partner is granted installment. The consequence: The company in the manufacturing sector has to refund payments received as a so-called challenge opponents and remain sitting on his demands.

Based on current decisions of the Federal Court, there are defenses and preventive defensive strategies that companies can practically and effectively protect from the manufacturing sector against the financial risks of the insolvency contesting.

Minimize the financial risk

1. Agreement Proper and immediate payment: The Supreme Court has ruled that according to the agreements and direct payment for a service or supply is protected against the insolvency contesting by their clients. The power exchange will then have a cash transaction. It is crucial that the specific performance and the payment related temporally. So is there at your customer signs of a crisis, suppliers should work to ensure that currently claims arising immediate offset payments initially and can be offset to current demands.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Cyber danger threatens to the Digital Economy

The Digital Economy is a decisive factor in global competition. A Forsa study on behalf of the specialty insurer Hiscox for handling digital cyber risks is now: Despite knowledge about the threat to the potential danger for the digital economy and thus the business location in the world is considerable.

Cyber risks constitute a tangible threat to the corporate balance sheets and the future economic development of the digital medium-sized companies are: two-thirds (66 %) of the digital company say they need in the event of a cyber incident interrupting the ongoing operation. A lengthy stoppage would mean for 66 % of company sales declines. Almost three-quarters (73 %) of the surveyed digital company would in the case of a hacker attack or data loss suffer from loss of reputation and more than half (55 %) expects for this case in order to lose customers.

And the danger is real:
Every fourth digital companies (25 %) already had to cope with at least one cyber damage in the past. 72 % of these losses were caused by hacking, 36 % were secondary technical failures and 14 % due to the loss of mobile devices or theft of hardware.

Rapid development calls for quick solutions

Robert Dietrich, General Representative of Hiscox, says: "The Digital Economy is developing at a breathtaking pace, revealing the foundations for the future of the global economy. The problem of an existential threat to the Digital Industry by cyber threats urgently demands a solution: Who can such help the digital economy? To answer this question, we jointly investigated by Forsa, such as digital entrants already protect themselves, where their IT security has gaps and by whom the economy hopes help. "

How to make loyalty customer

According to Researcher, The prerequisite for loyal customers is to provide a shopping experience that is totally convincing and lasting memory. Researcher shows on six ways to successful customer loyalty.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) represents customer care and customer interaction. With explicit loyalty measures can retain customers, increase profits and strengthen the relationships between customers, partners and the brand. We are talking about relationship marketing.

Is to plan exactly, to develop a strategy and also to consider how one could measure the success is the most important thing in these measures. CRM and customer loyalty programs, according to Researcher, complex projects whose success depends on several factors, including at the forefront of the program concept and value proposition, optimized, well-defined processes and the use of best available technology. The focus of the customer should always be. How can it be motivating the best?

The basis for the success were the structured development of a customer loyalty program for the following modules of Researcher:

1. Analysis: The analysis of the current situation is the starting point. The market and customers are taken under the microscope. Central are examined here customer needs, but also competitors and CRM trends. The result of this stage is to define a concept sketch.

11 steps to the perfect domain controller

Ways to stable and fast Active Directory

Active Directory is in Windows networks essential basis for a stable operation. In order for the AD function optimally, Administrators should install the domain and the domain controller particularly cautious approach. We show the 11 most important steps when you install new domain controllers.

Step 1: Install and set up DNS for Active Directory

To create a new Active Directory, must be the first planned on the first domain controller to be installed the DNS extension. The software is installed via the Server Manager as a server role. Once installed, the management program for the DNS server in Server Manager is to find "tools" of the area.

With the node "Forward Lookup Zones" and "Reverse Lookup Zones" lay administrators of the areas that requires Active Directory for its operation. The first and most important zone is the "forward lookup zone" of the first domain of Active Directory. Click to create these administrators with the right mouse button on "Forward Lookup Zones" and select in the context menu, select "New Zone" from. When creating new domains in Active Directory exclusively primary domains are needed.

On the next page of the wizard, the name of the new zone is set. Here it is extremely important that the name is used as a zone name exactly who was registered as a DNS suffix of the server and will be used as DNS name of the Active Directory domain.

DNS servers running Windows Server 2012 R2 work with dynamic updates. That is, all server names and IP addresses as well as the SRV records from Active Directory are automatically entered into this zone. The installation wizard of Active Directory must be able to create dozens of messages automatically in a zone. Therefore, when creating a new zone should the option "Allow non-secure and secure dynamic updates" are activated . "Allow only secure dynamic updates" can enable administrators only after the creation of Active Directory.