Sunday, July 26, 2015

Essential tools in Digital Marketing

Having the right tools on hand, is responsible for marketing managers more important than ever. Customers are well informed and well connected. Since it takes appropriate analytical tools to deploy the own marketing resources as efficiently as possible.

The tasks of marketing managers are becoming increasingly complex. The markets increasingly present themselves fragmented and at the same time, customers are increasingly close to each other wired. Offering a range of information sources available and thus increases to customers' expectations. At the same time, the influence is through marketing and sales activities on the buying decisions less. On the part of the distribution, thus the pressure, the quantity and quality of leads identified from marketing grows to increase. Finally, competing for the customer it is important to accurately deploy scarce marketing resources.

But on what basis can sound decisions be taken in marketing How can customer potential with the right measures raise And how can the increasingly complex communication processes are optimally aligned to the customer life cycle and on the quality of the customer These are the crucial questions that marketers need to find the right answers today.

The Data Wizard

The Data Wizard uses felt 22 different apps on at least eleven instruments, which is probably not always conforms to the BYOD policy in the company. The favorite of the data network wizard is Google Plus - the analysis tools are just too good. And liked it operates email campaigns that he has tested with enthusiasm before. Thus the data wizard is probably not alone 43 percent of all digital marketing manager test their views beforehand, check the half if the time of day for the e-mail campaign is the right also and 97 percent can ruminate for hours on the subject line. What CIOs should look for the way to the beloved data they ignored ever implemented policies for security and BYOD.

The E-Artist

They see themselves as an artist, their product is also a work of art. Their favorite network is therefore Pinterest. They like images online and loves visually appealing graphics. The statistics prove him right 65 percent of all people learn about images. What CIOs should look for This type of digital marketing manager sometimes gets lost. And their performance will also affect its results, decision-makers need to catch them sometimes before oversophisticated itself.

The social media master

He was one of the first to have discovered Facebook as an advertising platform - even before there was Facebook at all. Finally, Zuckerberg's network is solely responsible for more than 90 percent of revenues in the social media area. What should pay attention to CIOs From under Guru digital marketing managers can learn what is still - and perhaps tips for corporate social media bring platform.

The beta testers

Please, Facebook is so nineties. The beta tester can the mainstream behind and experimenting with new platforms. That's why he also regularly a new favorite network everything is in beta. The beta testers have always the latest equipment. And it is obsessed with the activities of Generation Y. What CIOs should look for the beta testers not violate any BYOD policies. He does not even know what that is. Involve him in the development of your own online platform. He knows what works and what have others failed.

The megaphone Manager

The main thing is loud. This type of digital marketing manager is not exactly subtle. They’re with their symbols and hash tags like the center of attention. This mallet method seems to work emails with an icon in the subject line will be 15 percent more open, with a hash tag almost five percent. Their favorite network is Twitter. What CIOs should look for when megaphone manager is sometimes forming content? And keep its Twitter activities in mind.

The Traditional

The traditional type is more old schools, in terms of its approach to social media. Their My Space account, the network is still not dead - he filled from the PC. And advertising switches on the television. What should pay attention to CIOs training seminars could help? But even with a drastic treatment of this type of marketing manager is probably not digital. Whether he should really strengthen your team

The know-it

The know-it likes everything under control. Marketing runs on its own blog, because about one has the best control over the data and analysis tools. She says the chefs like to what they are doing all wrong. The ignore namely multi-channel approaches in marketing and you do not fit. Others do not personalize their emails, although the Transaction opportunities increased significantly. What CIOs should look for Listen to the know-it - mostly? But make sure that your strategy is not always similar to the strategy of competition.

The path leads through the intelligent analysis of marketing data
In order to optimize the use of marketing investments and to achieve the best business results that require marketing department’s profound insights, reflecting markets and consumers differ from each other and how the behavior of buyers and non-buyers can be steered towards a purchase decision.

These two analytical tools are essential in marketing segmentation method and forecasting method. With the appropriate tools are designed fundamentally differently and each supporting different objectives and tasks. Accordingly, both tools are required to pass the battle for customers and market share successfully.

What does customer segmentation?

When customer segmentation is about the customer in each homogeneous group divide. Mostly this task is based on multi-dimensional process, so the use of criteria from different groups of features, such as demographic data, sales volume, buying behavior, usage behavior, attractiveness or multiplier effects. However, it should be noted for those responsible that marketing decisions are always based on the historical data segmentation and include no view or allow predictions on the future customer behavior.

The layout of the customer segments depends on several factors first, the differentiation of customer groups through identifying characteristic customer behavior or differentiated demand situations depending investigable segment is required. In addition, there must be the Company's ability to develop appropriate marketing and sales activities for each customer group. The customer segmentation should be strictly aligned with the marketing objectives. This allows the efficient management of marketing activities significantly simplify.

The effort multidimensional segmentation process, it’s not worth if the difference in treatment of the customer segments is just to decide which customers’ high-priced product catalogs to be mailed. Rather, define segments is a decision with a control character, among other things, the investment in specific customer groups.

The micro-segmentation, in contrast to the concept of customer segmentation, is an ad-hoc instrument to be assigned for the fine control of target groups in marketing campaigns. Typical task a trading company could appeal to children in a household network on their interest in a customer card. The would the analysis of past behavior or the Shopping Carts precede.

What forecasting method?

With the help of forecasting methods, statements about the likely behavior and the inclinations of people will be hit. As a result of the procedure score values will be awarded, which describe the expected behavior. Similar to the multi-dimensional segmentation methods are used, the used analysis software should provide information about the significance of the variables used to describe customer behavior.

According to the task each different variables are included in a model. To determine the optimal amount of customers, for example, to address as part of a cross-selling action, the determined total amount affine customers are divided into centile. It can then in the ranking of control as long as customers are not included in the campaign, as will budget for carrying out the action exists and customers, from a statistical point of view, have positive inclination.

The number of required prediction models depends on the tasks. Under certain circumstances, each model solves a different application. Similar applies as in the segmentation process the number of forecast models is limited by the company's ability to develop appropriate marketing measures to influence the behavior of the customer in the desired manner.

Which tool for which application?

Both for segmentation and for the forecast, there is a large number of different applications. Sometimes a segmentation model for a number of applications can be used, whereas a forecast model is usually designed for a specific task or similar tasks.

Major applications for segmentation methods are

• Decisions on short- and long-term sales and marketing investments;
• Definition of customer development strategies;

Basis for product development, product features, pricing, marketing channels, distribution channels, message communication.

Thus, the true customer segmentation always the starting point for a holistic CRM where it comes to understanding customers and markets, to develop the right deals to attract profitable customers and to tie these to the company in the long term.

An example to apply customer segmentation dates back to the market of energy supply companies. There, the liberalization and unbundling has caused an increased competitive pressure. The previously common method of cross-subsidization is no longer possible in this framework. For many of the companies operating in this market, this means that they have to adapt their corporate strategy to the changed market conditions. These include determining the strategic customer portfolios and to develop these long term.

With the help of customer segmentation to customer needs can recognize and identify profitable customer groups. This should lead on the Strengthening of customer loyalty to an increase in sales with existing customers. In addition, new businesses outside the traditional network areas are expanded and the business processes are aligned on a consistent customer focus.

13 tips on how to improve the IT marketing.

There is a contradiction between the self-perception and the image of the IT areas.

Tip 1

Anchor verifiable guidelines for customer segmentation and orientation and the use of marketing tools in the IT strategy.

Tip 2
IT as a business understands, that develop and implement, for example, an IT business model.

Tip 3
Building the internal IT brand and communicate internally and externally what does the IT, what is your self-image and what is the mission vision?

Tip 4
An independent, lively and unanimous. To develop IT marketing concept and may consult with the company's marketing.

Tip 5
The internal customer segmentation and key account management established (to avoid conflicts of interest, with no responsibility for resources).

Tip 6
Establish regular sales training for a Key Account.

Tip 7
Systematize communication relationships with customers and users and institutionalize.

Tip 8
In the development of IT services, the customer or user contact points define a structured and explicit introduction into service design.

Tip 9
IT staff in dealing with customer training - regarding interviewing, offer clarification, facilitation, conflict management etc.

Tip 10

Join the IT product management and with adequate resources to equip (not on individual power units of IT scatter).

Tip 11
Customer and sales orientation in IT human resource development stick in the anchor Recruiting.

Tip 12
Build and maintain its own (emotional) site of IT, including the necessary content marketing.

Tip 13

Measure the effect of marketing measures, for example, as part of customer satisfaction surveys.

Too often, however, companies rely solely on the customer segmentation as a tool to develop campaigns. This forecast models are much better suited to identify target groups for campaigns and precisely calibrate the composition of the target groups. For example, a company in the automotive industry forecasting models could develop for its major product types (compact cars, sport utility vehicles), to determine which have characteristics of existing customers with a high probability of buying a certain accessory. The lessons learned could be, for example, advocate to develop a strategy for traders campaigns.

Major applications for forecasting methods are

• Identifying target groups for marketing campaigns;
• Forecast customer behavior;
• Increasing efficiency of marketing;
• Perform what if analysis;
• Predicting the Effects of marketing activities on customer behavior.

Applied to the utility industry forecasting methods can be used for example for to build an active cancellation prevention management. For customers in each segment models can be developed, which represent the probability of a party changes as score values. At the same time would help to clarify what measures other customers led to a dismissal was averted.

Under the control of direct marketing activities, for example in banks or insurance companies, (the Simple or similar the Fan, the multi-channel active) are often differentiated by sector dialogue types. To determine what types of dialog are best suited to a particular industry, corporate users can use forecasting process optimally. However, the actual control of advertising campaigns, from the consideration of preferences for sales channels and media to genuine on-demand marketing high individualization of content is possible, on the basis of analytical tools.

Besides the use of statistical and analytical tools are for solving marketing tasks, of course, always also business acumen and experience of sales and marketing experts asked. Without these cannot be provided, which will be passed as a task to the tools to answer the right questions. But that the findings from the numerous applications of segmentation and forecast to be running at the right time, we need a further tool the campaign automation.

Ways to Campaign Automation

The game, in which the marketing is acting today, has changed dramatically in a short time. Responsible for this is primarily the rapidly developing, technological developments, primarily in the areas of social, mobile and cloud.

Prospects and customers exchange information via the internet and are much better informed before making a purchase decision than a few years ago. The markets are more transparent and at the same time rising customer expectations. These want to be perceived individually and a continuous user experience to know, from initial contact with service processing. At the same time, there are more points of contact through which companies with customers and prospects can enter into dialogue. Online and offline channels alternate in the use from, and make a consistent corporate presentation on the internet site, in social media, web shops, commercial premises, service centers required for promotional activities in the field service.

The Marketing is responsible in this situation, the interested parties on the different communications channels to provide relevant information and participate in the communication between customer and company, and from customer to customer as much as possible.

In conjunction with the distribution, marketing controls the right time of the handover of a prospective. This is supported by data, analyzes that assess consumer acceptance of the prospective date as possible. Another challenge is to identify the customer lifecycle and to find the respective time suitable measures and take. In this context, there is no software tools are no longer possible to meet the expectations of customers. Best suited for this task is driven from the analysis of marketing data automation of marketing processes.

Tasks of marketing automation

The essential task of marketing automation is to coordinate complex communication processes. In addition to the personalization for each recipient, this means above all to control the composition and sequence of messages to customers and prospects. The marketing software automatically and above all individually reacts to the actions and reactions of communication partners.

The Rules and Regulations of the software the specifications of the contact strategy of the company should be anchored, for example, on the frequency, are sent, how often and how frequently emails, or generally the contact channel choice per recipient in a certain time period. For this it is necessary to provide a full history over the course of contact for all sales and communication channels.

The core of the marketing automation is to achieve a high relevance of the content to the recipient. This means that the Campaign Management must not only supply-oriented work, but must be based on the individual customer situation. The customer receives always tailored to their message if a defined trigger was activated.

This can be a specific event, such as a visit to the Internet shops, or outlet of a guarantee. A Trigger can also be data analysis, to transmit, for example, a cross-selling offer a next-best-offer or to transmit a bonus-point range in a loyalty program as a measure to Dismissal Prevention. Customers and prospects should so get the feeling that they are understood and appreciated.

The data-driven, digital campaign management has indeed gained in complexity. At the same time can be so that the audiences always unerring appeal. This also increases the ROI of marketing budgets used.


The requirements of customers are increasing - not only to the products and services of the company, but also to the way in which companies communicate and sell their products and services. Therefore, a comprehensive knowledge of the customers and prospects as well as their attitudes and expectations is needed. Until now, this required analysis of marketing data and the generation of individualized messages were only possible for companies with extensive and expensive infrastructure. This has changed - Tools for On-Demand Marketing are now affordable for smaller companies. The software market has now applications that use no knowledge of programming or statistics more requires to ultimately reaching the all-important meaningful insights about customers and markets.

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