Monday, July 27, 2015

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit - protection against zero-day attacks

Security tool for Windows
Security tool for Windows

A major threat to computer users lurks in the form of newly discovered vulnerabilities in programs. Since manufacturers usually do not provide patches as quickly, can specialized malware often sneak past the antivirus software. Exactly wants to prevent the software anti-exploit.

Functionality The tool Anti-Exploit the manufacturer Malwarebytes is a security program that his shield on Windows PCs spans. There fends off attacks that exploit vulnerabilities widely unknown, to do damage. Because certain applications have increasingly emerged as gateways because of their widespread use, is anti-exploit focused on this.

To monitor the free version of the tool Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Opera along with their add-ons, as well as Java. With the paid premium and business version can be also attacked on the Microsoft Office components Word, Excel and PowerPoint, as well as some PDF reader prevent (e.g. Adobe Reader and Foxit Reader) and media player (such as VLC and Winamp) ,

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit works without signature databases, but look for typical behavior patterns of malware. These include e.g. redirections, the manipulation of memory and downloading of executable code. The tool does not replace antivirus software, plus it has a too small and specialized functions. With most other antivirus solutions, it is compatible according to the manufacturer, and also in the test there was in combination with Kaspersky Anti-Virus and malware protection Avast no abnormality.

Installation The setup file (about 2.5 MB) starts a conventional Installer after their call. This allows the tool by Assistant easily set up on the computer. Confusingly, however, it is offered during the installation menu language, because the tool currently exists only in an English version.

Operation During setup, the tool has snapped in two places in the system, as can be msconfig.exe quickly find out about the Windows tool. Accordingly, the program file is started every time you boot via the registry by Run-entry and also set up a service.

Once installed, the tool does its job quietly in the background. Only an icon in the taskbar betrays its presence. By double-clicking on it can access a very simply designed surface. On a total of five tabs the user can inform about which programs to protect anti-exploit and how many malware attacks, it has a shot blocked. When the detected attack, it’s also open a second window. What exactly happened, the user learns but only when it changes back to the parent dialog and the protocol realizes.

Otherwise, the intervention limits itself to enter on the Tab Exclusions exceptions, such as false positives. In addition, further protection completely on and off. Both enabling and disabling had done, however long delay, which can lead them to false assumption Anti-Exploit had crashed.

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit - Setup language
Anti-Exploit is only available in an English version and not as suggested the pull-down menu in the setup in other languages.

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit - Setup Wizard
A wizard guides the user through the installation process. Just nod the license terms and then follow the instructions a few - done.

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit - space
With less than 7 MB of disk space strained the tool shows quite frugal.

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit - Setup completion
With a few mouse clicks Anti-Exploit is installed and usable immediately without restarting the PC.

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit - Auto-Start

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit starts automatically every time you boot via registry entry.

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit - Windows Service
In addition to the program file, the tool also brings a Windows service that is also started automatically.

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit - GUI
The graphical user interface is made simple with only a few control options.

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit - Shields tab

What programs take anti-exploit under the microscope, the user experiences on the tab Shields. An open lock icon indicates lack of protection.

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit - Logs Tab
On the Logs tab the protocols are housed. This list can also be deleted manually to increase clarity.

Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit - Detected attack
About one recognized by the tool attack experienced by the user in an additional open windows.


Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit is a great complement to a conventional virus scanner, users should seriously consider. At least you can try to malicious software that increasingly spreads through vulnerabilities in popular applications, put a stop. To enjoy the full functionality, however you have to resort to the paid version.

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