The flood of devices on the Internet of Things has huge potential, but also comes with a whole range of problems and hurdles to take it yet. In many places are still missing concepts. Manufacturers recognize, however, that the solution might lie in standards.
The Internet of Things countless new intelligent and connected devices are coming, who accompany us in everyday life. Here most of the enormous potential stresses are undoubtedly attractive for developers and IT fallow . But the Internet of Things brings huge challenges whose solutions are yet to come.
One example is safety. With the number of networked devices every day the amount of data that is collected and stored on the devices themselves or in the cloud grows. The data are not only attractive to hackers; the potential for security breaches is growing exponentially with each device. And the damage that can be caused when a hacker attack is much greater. Just imagine what can be done with chopped locking systems, car or automatically operated industrial plants for damage ...
Proof point, a US specialist in secure enterprise data has been made public as early as January, that are already taking place in cyber-attacks on the Internet of Things . This e-mail spam is sent with malicious software. Currently still at relatively harmless home appliances such as televisions or refrigerators, but that is the Internet of Things already targeted by the hackers.
To manage all the smart devices, will need a lot of time. Vulnerabilities often have to be closed with patches or firmware updates. And many users to keep already had forgotten the manageable devices Park from PC and smartphone to date. Even worse is with even more devices The magazine Wired recorded recently a bleak picture of security in the IoT . The big problem is therefore that it is not possible to simply as before to fill gaps in the software via patch or hardware upgrade by quickly. Even if there is a patch, it is rarely used.
Companies are partly already the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) -Trend, in which employees and their private smartphones Tablets use in companies, overwhelmed in terms of safety . Often called the countermeasure that simply abolishes vulnerability BYOD again so as not to compromise safety.
In addition to safety is the huge amount of data, which belongs to the many devices on companies, a major challenge. Private information from users must be secured. Servers must come up with a much higher volume of data cope. Today, although only parts of the server capacities are often used, but many companies are enormous need to upgrade for the step to the Internet of Things.
IoT needs standards
Not only in the management of smart devices threatens chaos, even with the compatibility of the devices with each other. Currently still trying every manufacturer to establish its own platform. Anyone who has ever tried various wearable or fitness trackers knows the problem. One rises to an app or a fitness wristband from another manufacturer in order to catch a rule with the data again from scratch. Data cannot be transferred from the old device again. Everyone has their own app to track the right way and store data in a portal. Only rarely, for example, manufacturers on the common apps like put, there are similarities.
After all, there are efforts to end the chaos and compatible and do so gadgets and electrical appliances more attractive for the customer. Intel, Samsung and four other companies have to open interconnect Consortium together. Its aim is to develop standards for the Internet of Things. A framework should make the wireless networking and control devices, regardless of manufacturer and operating system possible. Wireless connections are to be running safely and stably, the standard itself as open source be readily available implementation services for everyone.
Intel, Samsung and four other companies will want to make with the Open Interconnect Consortium and open standards for each other compatible devices in the Internet of Things.
The consortium also plans to certify that equipment complies with the standards. We start with devices in the smart home field. Later, however, are still more companies are recruited. Overall, the approach sounds promising, but there are of course other consortia as Allseen Alliance , Microsoft, LG and Qualcomm belong. So it is also important here to be seen what will prevail in the end.
The consortium wants to take over the certification of devices. By open source anyone can use the standards for their own projects and to thus create products that work on Android, iOS, Windows, Linux and more systems away.
The Internet of Things comes with a huge potential, but major challenges and many question marks. The biggest problem is security. Cross-vendor standards could mean a big step towards compatibility and safety.
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