Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Monitor Hyper-V with free tools

For monitoring of Hyper-V virtual servers exist a number of free freeware tools. We looked at some interesting free solutions for Hyper-V monitoring closely.
Those who cannot rely on costly and complex solutions such as Microsoft System Center to monitor Hyper-V hosts or wants, will take place on the market a number of free software tools. We have undergone a small selection of a closer look.

Many of the tools described below will also work with Windows Server 2012 or Windows Server 2008 R2, but we have tested the versions of Windows Server 2012 R2.

Free Tools for Microsoft's Hyper-V

In addition to the well-known tool Veeam One can Hyper-V with SolarWinds Free VM monitor and ManageEngine Free HyperV server Monitor monitor. SolarWinds has, incidentally, in addition to a support of Hyper-V, a version for VMware on. Below we address some of the tools in more detail.

But you can also use the Performance Monitor in Windows Server 2012 R2, which is one of the standard tools of Windows Server. To perform a permanent long-term measurement, you need to create a data collector set. To do this click with the right mouse button on the data collector for makes custom setting. With New Data Collector Set, such a record is created. While creating the possibility to read a template. You can use the tool PAL received. After installation, you choose the File tab at the threshold file title, select Microsoft Hyper-V R2 SP1 and click Export to Perfmon templateFile. This template will also work with Windows Server 2012 R2. The document you are reading a wizard for creating new data collector sets.

Tools for Hyper-V
With several free tools such HyperV_Mon you monitor the performance of Hyper-V servers.
The freeware tool PAL provides an analysis file for Hyper-V is available. With this you can use 2012 R2 monitor the performance of servers on the system monitor in Windows Server.
Veeam One can install its database, also on already installed database servers.
Veeam One can check the system and re-install them on request.

Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Hyper-V monitoring with Veeam One

Veeam ONE is a professional software which is used to monitor Hyper-V. Veeam provides limited free version available that can at any time upgrade to the paid version. The current version 7.0 R2 also supports Windows Server 2012 R2 and VMware vSphere 5.5. Once installed, the area is ready for use and collects information from the attached servers. You need to install additional software on the Hyper-V servers.

Start the installation and choose to install the monitoring server from. On this Veeam One creates its database. If desired, you can install the database on already installed database servers. We can create the database using the installation wizard on a database server with Windows Server 2012 R2 and SQL Server 2014 in our tests. But you can also use the SQL Server Express database Veeam One.

To operate on Windows Server 2012 R2 and for monitoring of Hyper-V in Windows Server 2012 R2, you must also update the KB1841 install on the server.

During installation, the installation wizard verifies that all requirements have been met for installation. Lack of conditions or features installed, the installation wizard can install it and continue with the installation.

As part of the installation, select the ports that the web interface is available. During setup, you also select which server you wish to connect to Veeam ONE. Here is next to Windows and VMware are available. You can use the connection during installation but also break off and bind after installing Hyper-V. This is also useful if you 2012 R2 or vSphere 5.5 to work with Windows Server. Because here before Veeam One with version 7.0 R2 also compatible with Hyper-V 2012 R2 and System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 R2, you must first install the aforementioned update is. Complete the setup wizard to be Veeam ONE is available. After you install the update to 7.0 R2. Starting with this release support Veeam also vSphere 5.5.

Hyper-V monitoring start with Veeam One start 7.0 R2

After you install the server and the update to Veeam ONE 7.0 R2 bind first to the virtualization server. Simply launch Veeam One Monitor. The first step is to click with the right mouse button in Veeam Monitor One to Virtual Infrastructure and choose Add Server from. You can then choose what you want to connect to the tool. For Hyper-V, select Hyper-V Server.

Did you start the wizard, enter the name of the Hyper-V hosts. Select at the bottom of whether there is an SCVMM server or to a Hyper-V cluster with this server. Of course, also stand-alone servers can be linked. Then you still need to provide authentication credentials for the server. Finally Veeam One binds to the server. You will see the successful connection, if you expand the tree of the server and the virtual servers and their status.

Veeam ONE

  • After installation, you tie your Hyper-V hosts to Veeam Monitor One.
  • Veeam ONE displays the Hyper-V hosts and their virtual servers.
  • Click on a virtual server, you will see the necessary information.
  • Veeam ONE displays errors, and hints on how to solve this.

Click on the top of the console on Virtual Infrastructure, and then you will see in the middle of the window all warnings, errors and messages of all monitored Hyper-V hosts. Click Infrastructure View and then click the Alarms tab. Here you can see the state of the virtualization hosts and alerts the server. Click an alert; you get at the bottom of information and instructions for solving the problem.

Click on the left side on a virtualization host, the software displays the errors and information for the selected server. Even single virtual server below the Virtualization Software-HSTs you can monitor in this way.

On the Summary tab in the Infrastructure view you will see a summary of memory currently being used, CPU usage and disk space when you click the left a virtual server. You will also see in this list the various errors on the host of the virtual machine and the host itself.

Click the Summary tab, click a virtualization host whose hardware utilization and the status of the hard disks are displayed. Also interesting is the Overall tab. Here you can see the current utilization of the disk and the network. The CPU tab displays the load on the processor, on the Memory tab of the memory usage of the server is displayed. The Top VMs tab shows the most active virtual server on different hosts.

You can ship with Veeam One emails when certain alarms occur on servers. Just click on Options and then click Server Settings. In the new window, enter the data of the SMTP server through which Veeam One e-mails to write. On the SMTP Settings tab, use the SMTP server. Who should receive your emails, you control over Notification Policy. About Monitored Objects You determine which Hyper-V hosts to be monitored.

Manage Business View and Veeam ONE alarms

In addition to real-time monitoring, you have the ability to map the various virtual server departments in the company in the Business View Veeam One. To recognize whether individual departments can work within the company and whether the department associated virtual server function. About Alarm Management You see, to monitor the actions Veeam ONE.

Double click on an alert, then you can adjust this. On the General tab, you can specify whether the alarm is active and is used by Veeam ONE. About the Rules tab, you determine when the alarm should be triggered. You can customize thresholds or add new thresholds. With Assignment you determine, in which virtualization hosts the alarm applies.

Also important is the Actions tab. Here you determine how Veeam One should react when an alarm for a host entry. You can send emails, generate an SNMP trap or can start a script. Solutions can also be shown by alarms. In addition to the standard reports, you can also create your own solution proposals lodged with an alarm.

Veeam ONE
For alarms, you can define rules for when they should be triggered.
With the web interface of Veeam ONE, you can also monitor your 2012 R2 server with Windows Server.

Create reports with Veeam One and use web interface

Veeam One can also create reports. Just click on the Reports button in the administration interface. Select a report, the wizard should display. Veeam ONE also has a web interface, the Veeam One Report. Again, you can perform a monitoring of the connected server.

Click with the right mouse button on the host or virtual machine for which you want to create a report, and select Report. In the window, select the type of report you want to display. The Generated reports can be exported as a PDF or as a Word document.

On the Workspace tab, you create your own reports and to determine what information you want to see on the surface. In Dashboard move drag and drop the view of the different boxes. About Configuration adjusts the surface to your needs.

Interesting for monitoring is also Veeam One Business View. This is also a web interface in which you can arrange and monitor the connected server by category. Adjust the categories using the link configuration. Here you create your own categories and Business Views.

Hyper-V Monitoring with ManageEngine Free HyperV Performance Monitor

Another interesting tool for monitoring of Hyper-V is free of ManageEngine Hyper-V Performance Monitor. This allows you to monitor free up to two Hyper-V hosts. After installation, click on Settings and enter the data on the servers that you want to monitor. Then click Connect to connect to the host.

The tool then displays on the right side of the data to the server. You see information about CPU utilization, memory, for memory and network utilization.

In the settings you define the interval at which the tool is to read the data from the server and from when warnings or critical errors are to be displayed. The connection also works through the network, you do not have to install it on the Hyper-V host itself the tool. On the server, no agent is also required.

Free HyperV Performance Monitor
With Free HyperV Performance Monitor to monitor up to two Hyper-V hosts totally free.
After logging shows HyperV Performance Monitor to the most important performance of the server.

SolarWinds Free VM Monitor

First, you bind to SolarWinds Free VM Monitor to Hyper-V.

VMTurbo Virtual Health Monitor
Use a legacy network adapter to allow the Linux server can connect to the network.
With VMTurbo Virtual Health Monitor monitor your Hyper-V environment with a virtual Linux server.

SolarWinds Free VM Monitor

Another little tool for monitoring of Hyper-V is SolarWinds Free VM Monitor . This was, however, for Windows Server 2008 R2 developed. With the free version, you can monitor only one Hyper-V host for free. For the operation of SolarWinds Free VM Monitor you still need the .NET Framework 3.5. This can be installed as a server feature through Server Manager. The installation of the tool is completed quickly. After installation, you set up a VM Monitor.

In the settings you first enter the server name, as well as user name and password to log on. Click on Test Connection to check the connection to the server. In Settings window also you define thresholds for alerts and save this with Save. Make sure that the local firewall is not blocking on the Hyper-V host the tool.
VMTurbo Virtual Health Monitor

Another interesting monitoring program for Hyper-V is VMTurbo Virtual Health Monitor . Even with this tool to monitor Hyper-V with Windows Server 2012 R2, as well as vSphere. The focus of the application performance and health monitoring of hosts and the virtual server is on the network. Basically it concerns with VMTurbo Virtual Health Monitor to a virtual server based on Linux . You unpack the archive and import the virtual server in the Hyper-V Manager.

In some environments, it makes sense, if you remove the virtual network adapter to the export and assign the virtual server a legacy network adapter. Only then work in many environments the connection.

If the virtual server is booted, you will see the IP address of the remote maintenance window of Hyper-V. Open a browser window to the IP address and enter an administrator as the username and password. In the Web interface used to adapt the tool to your needs. In the Web interface register for the free version and bind to your Hyper-V server. You can then adjust the monitor in the web interface to suit your needs.

Image Credit: mizitechinfo.wordpress.com

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