Friday, September 4, 2015

IBM license management - insight into a microcosm

Anyone who needs to delve further into software license management in the course of his professional life, can quickly get the impression that delve into a microcosm own.

Whether Microsoft, Oracle or IBM, each provider has developed other methods for licensing its software. The license terms from IBM are among certainly the most complex. Besides nested software products (the so-called software bundling) is available from IBM around 100 different metrics, based on which the software may be licensed - and rising.

In addition to the legal protection can the effort, periodically to review the existing license conditions, worthwhile for companies financially well, especially since the various licensing options are continually adapted and changed by the manufacturer.

Potential for cost savings

A variation that has a high potential for cost savings, is the licensing on the basis of so-called PVU metric (Processor Value Unit). Here the cost of the software are determined not on the number of users or installations, but on the performance of the processors. After a points table each processor model is depending on the performance and configuration associated with a certain number of points, which forms its PVU value. This value is then multiplied by the number of available cores. From these figures the required number of PVU licenses that will be charged as a basis for calculating the price to be licensed Software.

Two variants

Following the spread of virtual machines two licensing options have evolved from the PVU metric. In classical Full Capacity licensing system in all physical processor cores for PVU are used to calculate. In sub-capacity licensing (also virtual capacity licensing), the bill designed sometimes difficult. Are not counted, the processor cores of the physical machine, but only the cores, which are allocated to the virtual machine (VM) on which the software is installed.

For example, on a server with eight processor cores (physical cores) an IBM WebSphere Application Server (IBM WAS) installed, the PVU value of the processor with eight cores must be charged in full at Full Capacity licensing. As rich resources of IBM WAS already four cores, the server can be partitioned into two virtual machines à four virtual cores. With sub-capacity licensing is sufficient to license the four cores of the virtual machine on which the IBM WAS running. The Sub-Capacity Licensing is highly flexible and offers the possibility to license software demand-driven. In our example, let the licensing cost for IBM WAS reduce by 50 percent by means of skillful partitioning. So this adaptable licensing variant is, however, so complex and costly business designed the measurement and calculation of PVUs.

IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT)

Companies that opt for the Sub-Capacity Licensing are therefore obliged to use the IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT). The ILMT inventoried the IBM software used, thus determining the required PVU licenses. In the software architecture of the company, ILMT agents are installed wherever IBM software is in use. The agents communicate their findings then to the central ILMT server that matches the finds and focuses on a list.

Not infrequently, such a Fund list include several thousand items, each individual item must be checked and released manually. Given the complex IBM software portfolio, the nested products and various licensing options, it is not always evident whether the findings and conclusions of the ILMT are correct.

It may happen for example that an ILMT agent a PVU license consumption for a software component determines for which no royalties have to be paid, because it is licensed as a companion product already has another software bundle. Manual component must then be assigned to either another instance or completely excluded from the Fund list.

Reports are generated from the verified and approved Fund lists quarterly. In the case of a license audit, the company has to provide the reports of the last two years (or the last eight quarters) and could give rise to manually undertaken corrections. The ILMT itself has thereby no opportunity to comment on the alternative mappings. In the report it is not clear when, was, by whom and for what reasons an ILMT fund another instance assigned or excluded from the inventory.

Since the ILMT product once undertaken assignments stores for future inventories, product batches disappear without comment from the collection. This may be in particular in the case of a Fund exclusion prove tricky: there are software components that only in certain cases, royalties must be paid - such as its clients must be licensed the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM), only if a client in a corresponding TSM database is registered and takes place between the TSM server and client communication or has taken place.

Also, the upgrade to a higher version of the product may go unnoticed draw a sublicense to be. Even if active nothing has changed in the software landscape of the company, an exchange of hardware components can be already a major impact on the number of required PVU licenses.

Relicensing be expensive

These scenarios make it clear that in the IBM license management experience and detailed knowledge of complex IBM software landscape are essential. In a compliance audit a company through its software applications and the corresponding licensing rights must be able to provide detailed information. Sets the accounting firm found that the software used is not appropriate licensed, are to fines and expensive relicensing that may rise depending on the company size up into the millions.

For legal as for financial reasons, it may be advisable for companies seek advice from an experienced License Manager. A knowledgeable consultant reviewed the current license the company balance sheet, determined demand-driven, the most cost-effective licensing option and supports companies in the introduction of standard procedures for purchasing, maintenance and licensing of IBM software.

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