The Manager, who behave like a bull in are soon left behind and content standard. However, recognize the emotions of their employees, typically earn more than the coarse chunks. The scientists from the WHU - Otto Beisheim found School of Management.
The emotion recognition ability of people has a proven impact on their income. This is the result of a highly regarded study that Professor Jochen Menges of the WHU - Otto Beisheim School of Management has carried out together with researchers from the University of Bonn and Illinois State University.
Study aroused enormous media
"The better employees recognize feelings of others in organizations, the higher the annual salary of these employees. Emotion recognition skills are not only of interpersonal meaning, but also have an economic value, "explains Professor Jochen Menges, Professor of Leadership and Human Resource Management at WHU.
The study has since its release will get the best of all media coverage ever published in the Journal of Organizational Behavior article. "Emotion recognition is an economic success, but is often underestimated in its importance. Thus, our study does away now. Therefore, I am particularly pleased that our research results are such a large media attention, "says Menges. The findings not only provides Menges ago in an article, but also in a video on the website of the Journal of Organizational Behavior.
On the study of 100 employees took part between 20 and 65 years of age. The workers were employed in a wide variety of organizations. The researchers tested the emotion recognition abilities of workers by playing a recording those images and sound recordings and asked what emotions occurred therein. In addition, the researchers interviewed the colleagues and superiors of the employees for their social skills. It could be demonstrated that people with the good emotion recognition ability is skillful behavior in social contexts, are considered to be cooperative, considerate and helpful, and therefore a higher salary.
Ability to emotion recognition training early
Alternative explanations for the different levels of income of workers were able to rule the researchers. Even taking into account factors such as intelligence, conscientiousness, gender, age, education, work week and the hierarchical position in the organization remained the effect of emotion recognition ability insist on the income.
Professor Menges recommends that schools emotion recognition skills from early on and put in the choice of leaders more emphasis on the ability to emotion recognition: "Although emotion recognition skills are so important and - as we know - are rewarded even financially, these skills are far more rare systematically trained in educational institutions or queried in the application process. "
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