On Premise or rather a practical cloud solution for Office? The TCO Calculator mod of IT services to help IT decision-makers to find the right solution. These 20 questions must be answered, which are then tool-supported and evaluated manually.
Whether IT decision makers should resort to a locally installed or a cloud alternative of Microsoft Office is not always so easy to clarify. Many parameters must be considered when making that decision, to find the most cost effective solution for a company. With an online TCO calculator for Office 365 would like to help in this decision mod IT Service IT managers. The free cloud computer of the overall IT service provider in the SME sector compares according to the supplier the total cost of ownership of OnPremises solution and the cloud alternative of Office products from Microsoft for each individual company.
20 Questions
In order to perform an accurate TCO analysis, requires mod IT Service some information about the company. According to the IT service provider with locations in Einbeck and Hannover has an IT manager online answering 20 questions first, this process takes about 15 minutes. For example, ask the TCO Calculator Information size of the company and the status of the current license agreements.
Further information that prompts the TCO Calculator, the approximate size of the used e-mail accounts as well as the number of e-mail servers used. Based on the answers of cloud TCO Calculator determined according mod IT how much such IT investment costs, taking into account any expenses incurred over the entire lifecycle.
Written summary within 24 hours
Analysis of the data is not the only tool-supported, but also manually. That is why it also takes around 24 hours before a result with a written summary and the corresponding TCO graphics present.
"With the first real online TCO Calculator, we have the ability to create a cost comparison - not on the basis of estimates, comparative values or market values but based on the current situation of the company," explains Florian Reinhold, Marketing and Sales at mod IT Services. "We have deliberately decided not to automate the calculation. An IT consultant evaluates the data with an experienced view, calculates and compares the TCO for Office 365 and On Premise "said Reinhold further.
Cloud Readiness Assessment
According mod IT using the TCO Calculator is free and without obligation for companies. If necessary, the service following a comprehensive Cloud Readiness Assessment offering at a fixed price. The consultants analyze specific spot, how a company is positioned for cloud adoption. In two workshops all aspects of the respective IT and corporate strategy are viewed holistically. Also based on the resources at the customer, a project plan is established demonstrating the advantages and disadvantages of migrating to the cloud and represents that time, human and financial resources are needed, what steps on the way to the cloud is needed and the risks exist.
Cloud TCO Calculator
The TCO Calculator is aimed at IT managers and decision makers and is free online ready.
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