Evidence of a link between the US monitoring service and the NSA spy software Reign there was for some time, now there is another tangible indication.
The IT security firm Kaspersky noted that Reign and a program used by Western intelligence services have the same software code for the Recording of keyboard strokes. About the spyware QWERTY, which is used by the Secret Service Alliance Five Eyes, recently had the news magazine reported. It has documents from the collection of the informant Edward Snowden. Among the Five Eyes include the secret services of the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
The complex Regin program businesses and governments, especially in Russia and Saudi Arabia have been spied on for years. But elements of Regin said to have been found on the EU institutions and the Belgian telecom Belgacom Group also in attacks the NSA and its British partner service GCHQ. The end of December was also discovered on a computer of an employee at the European department of the Chancellery Reign.
The little ABC of the NSA affair
The Press Agency has put together a small ABC with key abbreviations of the NSA spying scandal ...
A - Eavesdropping
Thus, the most painful revelation for many country probably has to do - Chancellor Angela Merkel was apparently bugged for years by US secret service NSA.
B - Backbone
So the lines are called, the servers and networks together. They are the backbone of the Internet, as the English term implies. NSA and GCHQ they tap into directly.
C - Code name
With the NSA scandal came the flood of abbreviations. Only the names of the databases and programs have it in them. Besides PRISM or XKEYSCORE there are DEWSWEEPER, BLACK HEART, anchorY, PINWHALE, SCISSORS, PRINT AURA or BOUNDLESS INFORMANT.
D - Doritos
Tortilla chips, which missed the NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden in his asylum in Moscow. German visitors to the Green Party politician Hans-Christian Ströbele brought him in the fall which.
E - Echelon
The forerunner of today's surveillance infrastructure. The system codenamed Echelon should keep the communication of the Soviet bloc in the eye since the 60s. With time, it focussed on satellite communications.
F - Five Eyes
Alliance of intelligence services of the US, Britain, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. Members exchange information and spying is not mutually exclusive.
The secret Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) was largely unknown to the public until this summer. Now we know that the British should be even better in tapping fiber optic lines that the US counterpart NSA.
H - Hawaii
If the name of the island falls, it tends to the surf, because of intelligence work. In Hawaii, but is an important basis of the NSA, which also Edward Snowden until his flight working on thousands of papers.
I - informer
He was not a deserter and a traitor, but a whistleblower (informant), who wanted to stop an unlawful action by the authorities, says Snowden. The US authorities see things differently and want Russia to hand over them.
J - Journalist
The reporter Glenn Greenwald became world famous because Snowden chose him as a partner in publishing the NSA papers. In the meantime, they left his job at the British Guardian and build a new media organization.
K - Consequences
The consequences of the revelations are still not in sight. Europe relies on still more privacy, users have become suspicious of online services from America.
L - Lies
If he wanted to find out what Angela Merkel thinks he can ask them simply, President Barack Obama said in the summer. It was later learned that the NSA Merkel had probably bugged phones for years. Also more than 30 other high-ranking politicians may feel betrayed.
One of the NSA programs that had provided the loudest scandal. According to the revelations this data were siphoned directly between the data centers of Google and Yahoo. The company countered now with encryption.
The National Security Agency has been established in the 50s. A primary goal was then to crack foreign encryption and make their own crypto systems more secure.
O - Revelation
The extent to which the NSA can scoop up the data from the internet, shocked even with all waters washed experts. It is a dimension with which we did not expect, said about the Russian virus hunters Eugene Kaspersky.
The now by far the most famous name of an NSA program. PRISM is used to get data from Internet companies such as Google, Yahoo, Microsoft or Facebook. The companies point out they advanced data only in exceptional cases on court order out.
Q - sources
In the new world of long-distance NSA monitoring everyone can be a source as opposed to earlier targeted espionage. Computer identify patterns in the flood of data from all areas.
R - Russia
The former second superpower alongside the USA plays an important role in the Snowden affair. Even in Hong Kong, he is said to have hidden in the Russian Consulate, later he got from a Moscow asylum for one year after he was stranded at the airport.
S - Safe Harbor
The Safe Harbor Agreement between the EU and the US states, among other things, that commit American Internet companies to comply with certain data protection standards. After the revelation demands grow louder to negotiate it again.
T - Tempora
The program of the British intelligence service GCHQ for tapping of fiber optic lines. It should have the ability to filter out the right data packets from the stream of information, which is for example about transatlantic cable.
U - US citizens
Are basically off-limits to the NSA. According to media reports their data, but were imbibed in spite of all precautions repeatedly as by-catch. And may the cooperation with the British GCHQ was a detour to get to the data of US citizens.
V - Encryption
Based on the current knowledge complex encryption is still a problem for the NSA. Accordingly, there is a movement to send only as many encrypted data. However, this is less convenient in everyday life.
W - Wikileaks
The unveiling platform is also active in the case Snowden. Sarah Harrison, a confidant of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, Snowden accompanied for months on the way from Hong Kong to Moscow.
X - XKeyscore
The system is a core element of the NSA infrastructure. It serves to raise the collected data about target persons from different databases and evaluate.
Y - Yahoo
Among other Internet heavyweights such as Google and Microsoft's online pioneer in the turmoil of the scandal. The weakened customer confidence could hurt the business of the company in the long run.
Z - rift
The revelations have the relationship between Europe and the US weighed heavily. Trust needs to be rebuilt, for example, said Chancellor Angela Merkel. There were also proposals to suspend talks on a free trade agreement with the United States.
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