"Facebook advertising's just what consumer brands." True or not? Our sister site machinery market has tested the seven most persistent prejudices about Facebook advertising in B2B critical.
B2B company has difficulties when it comes to Facebook. This is not only the company's profile, but also for the promotional use of the social network. This Facebook offers in Germany with monthly over 28 million users, many advertising opportunities beyond the consumer communication: "Our experience shows that companies can achieve good results with ads for example, webinars, white papers, exhibition invitations or staff recruitment," explains Manuel Leschik, CEO of Rabbit Performance. "B2B companies often lack easy to trust in advertising on Facebook."
To prevent that remains the case, the experts were looking for Rabbit Performance the seven most common prejudices about Facebook advertising in B2B and invalidated:
1. On Facebook people are traveling for personal reasons.
The separation in private and business is an artificial construct. Facebook members have business partners or colleagues in their Facebook Friends. In addition, the network knows the interests of its users, and therefore also their professional groups, employers, industry or qualification degree. Also the network is often used in the office. This development aims to promote the intranet tool "Facebook at Work" for the company's internal communication further Facebook. Especially it is in the closed beta phase.
2. On Facebook to reach their business customers.
With tens of millions of users this is unlikely. For the target group identification, companies can use their own data for the modulation of advertising. For example, information can be from the CRM converted into Facebook to address only the users that existing customers are most akin. In addition, companies can also site visitors purchase terminators or newsletter addressed again via this channel.
3. On Facebook only teenagers are traveling.
That was once. Today, nearly two-thirds of Facebook users in Germany are over 24 years old. The largest user group with nearly 30 percent of the 25- to 34-year-olds. The 35- to 44-year-old members account for almost one-fifth. 12 percent of the user base from 45 to 54 years old. The 55+ age group is at 7 percent.
4. For Advertising on Facebook I need a fan.
A widespread misconception. Depending on the format of the advertising traffic can flow directly to a landing page on the company's website or in a store. A fan page is needed to do that. The brand new Mulit-Product-Ads are exciting for the target group of business customers. Companies can apply with their help several products and thus all product lines.
5. Facebook advertising has no effect.
But on the contrary. Facebook advertising is particularly in the early stages of the decision-making process and is both ideal for increasing brand awareness, the turnover as well as for lead generation. Unlike Google AdWords to Facebook ads directed rather to target groups that have a latent or continuing interest as an acute need. So people can be achieved regardless of the timing of interest.
6. Facebook advertising is only for large companies.
Not necessarily. Of course Large companies have more marketing budget to work with than smaller ones. However, an introduction to the advertising on Facebook is already possible with a budget from 2,500 €. To try out the channel, it is worthwhile to take a test campaign. The budget for this can be set as daily budget or term budget for a period. In addition, it is important to adjust the bid amount, so the cost per click or per thousand contacts.
7. Facebook is community management of fan sites and Shitstorms.
A resounding no. Facebook is also an advertising platform like Google. By purchasing the ad network Atlas Facebook this year will be even more attractive for advertising, because users can be clearly identified and addressed via different devices using the Facebook id. Already, 16 million German log in daily mobile with Facebook.
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