The difficult financial situation of the most important free encryption GnuPG project has relaxes.
Following a report by the US portal ProPublica about the financial hardships of the German GnuPG developer Werner Koch - the braces, the project almost single-handedly - declared themselves Facebook and the payment service stripe willing to donate every 50,000 dollars this year. Previously already had Linux Foundation pledged $ 60,000. In addition, the small private donations attracted to the GnuPG project.
GnuPG is the most important free cryptographic systems. Users can use it to their Emails so protect that only the sender and receiver can decipher (end-to-end encryption). The actual system software is so far alone developed and maintained virtually from cooking. The project was funded by the government from 2005 financially, but these grants ran out in 2010. Because on the project page enough donations, cooking was about to abandon further development of GnuPG over a year ago.
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