Saturday, August 1, 2015

IBM researchers tackle new personal data protection in the cloud

Developed by IBM Research in Zurich, Identity Mixer is available from spring 2015 for beta testing in the Bluemix -Cloud.

The IBM announces on the occasion of today's International Privacy Tags. The Identity Mixer, for short “Idemix” to personal information such as date of birth or credit card information can be protected better at web and mobile transactions. Cryptographic algorithms enable a privacy-friendly authentication to online services, in which the user disclosing as little data as possible. Idemix is loud IBM already in two pilot projects with the German Red Cross and the National Science Authority of Australia (CSIRO) tested in practice.

Users can give loud Big Blue over service providers in the network often disclose personal data, although this would not be necessary for the provision of the requested power. With the Identity Mixer, the user can select exactly what data he wants to share with whom, explains Christina Peters, Chief Privacy Officer at IBM. The technology also provides for online service providers advantages they can improve their risk profile and strengthen the confidence of customers. With the cloud version of the technology is also integrated in the future easier for developers.

There is developed the Identity Mixer scientist at IBM Research Center. The cryptographic algorithm allows the user, compared to an online service to disclose only selected information. This is made possible through the encryption and certification of individual so-called identity attributes such as age or nationality. For attribute-based certificates has issued by a trusted institution such as a public authority. The editor of the certificates does not experience in how and where they are subsequently used.

For demonstration purposes, IBM has under placed a fictitious video streaming portal that films with age and region limitation offered To see a FSK12-Video, a user must typically by entering the prove date of birth and the address that it is higher than the designated age limit and possibly also provide evidence that he lives in a particular country. The Identity Mixer that goes without mentioning the exact age or place of residence to disclose - the provider gets only the information that the user may watch the movie.

When credit card information on the streaming service would only learn that a specified credit card is valid and he can accept the payment - the credit card number and the expiration date will not be delivered. Thus, the privacy of the users remains protected even if the service was to be hacked later. The Identity Mixer is based on over a decade of research, comments Jan Camenisch, senior cryptographic and privacy researcher at IBM Research Center and IEEE Fellow. We have developed the technology to realize the concept of minimal disclosure of identity-related data. Now it stands for transactions with the computer also for mobile devices.

Identity Mixer, there has been already a source code freely available for download. From spring 2015 will the technology for beta testing are available on the developer platform Bluemix available, so IBM. About selection menus of the cloud service developers could then specify the data to be protected. Bluemix then deliver the code to insert into the application.

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