Thursday, August 27, 2015

Companies falter in employee retention

Which corporate culture prevails in your company? What is the working atmosphere? These issues, many executives out in the cold. Here are both important factors when it comes to long-term loyalty among employees.

Employee retention is for businesses, particularly in view of the looming shortage of skilled workers is of central importance. To speak in the current HR report 61 % of respondents said employee retention factor a very high or high importance. When top management is as high as 78 %. Yet companies still take far too few appropriate measures to keep their employees.

That in employee retention still exists a large discrepancy between expectations and reality, is the HR Report 2014/2015 with numbers. For the study with a focus on "leadership" surveyed the Institute for Employment and Employability (IBE) and the recruiter Hays 665 decision-makers and employees of companies.

In order to bind employees to an appreciative corporate culture or a good working atmosphere is. Say 95 % of respondents - but at the same time only 53 % believe that this is already implemented. Depending on the position vary here perceptions: While 73 % of surveyed business executives believe that an appreciative corporate culture already existed, agree with only 41 % of employees without management responsibility.

Also crucial factors in employee retention are measures to reconcile work and life situation. Giving at least at 67 % of respondents. But again, my only 46 % that this is already implemented.

Also, as regards the impact of staff development on employee retention, there are different views: So although the human resources development is for 71 % of the employees is an important instrument, but only about 56 % of top managers. The situation is similar when it comes out of mobile working: For 51 % of the staff binds the opportunity for mobile work on the company - on the part of management, however, agree with this statement only 36 %.

"Our HR report shows: In order to retain employees, companies should be very specific approach and respond to the needs of various employee groups with different measures. The thinly to introduce measures for all employees across the board, no longer works. Employee retention must be individually increasingly "says Klaus Breitschopf, CEO of Hays.

For Report: For the fourth consecutive year the annual HR report uses key HR issues to businesses and organizations. It is based on an online survey of 665 decision makers and employees of companies and organizations in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Were interviewed from July to September 2014, both manager and HR and head of department and employees without personnal responsibility from companies of various sizes and from various industries.

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