Sunday, August 30, 2015

"On a holistic strategy: it comes to"

A Google search is enough to supply the user with reviews and details about your products and your company. Optimally, he ends up doing fast on your well-designed business website.

B2B online marketing is a true secret weapon! It helps companies to strengthen their notoriety on the Web, to generate high-quality leads, maintain client relationships and increase revenues. No wonder that, according to a study by the private university, 70 % of surveyed B2B company say that online marketing plays a high or very high importance in the coming years. However, so far only a few companies exploit this potential to the full.

Claudia Baacke, Director of Online Marketing at the Leipzig Digital Marketing Agency mellow message, explains in an interview with our sister portal Marconomy what is important in the implementation of online marketing in B2B Company and the role of the business site in the process.

Woman Baacke, you look after the strategic development of online marketing activities of international B2B companies. What is in your opinion the most important foundation for a successful online marketing?

A holistic strategy! Before companies get bogged down in countless online marketing measures, they should carry out a comprehensive stock-taking. The focus questions are about the company, the industry and the audience: Where would the company short and long term? Who are existing and potential customers? What needs and desires do they have? Who are the competitors and how they position themselves online? From the result of this analysis can be short and develop long-term goals, which then serve as a guide for developing an overall strategy in online marketing. The marketing objectives and the needs of the target group specify which campaigns and channels are added to the online marketing strategy and how they engage with each other makes sense.
What role does the business site in this process?

The website presents the company business in the Web. She's like a retail store, which is open around the clock. Users can get a comprehensive overview of the company, its employees and the range of services. In B2B, the site plays an important role especially as distribution hub. This is where all online marketing activities together. The site is pivotal point for lead generation, the sales initiation and customer loyalty via the Internet.

What makes you think a good business website from?

At the center of the page is always on the customers of a company and not the company itself. In other words, the business site should be planned from the perspective of the target audience. Only then to find a response that meets the needs of customers succeed. In addition, a clear goal is important: What are the prospects do on the site? What they should be the need?

If a company through the website, for example want to generate qualified leads, it must ensure that the user with just a few clicks to find what you are looking for, and can easily contact the company. Help a well thought out navigation concept, simple contact forms and adequate call-to-action elements.

Another good way to strengthen customer relationships through the site, are service tools that support the target group in their daily work: They may include its simple conversion tools or useful planning tools. For companies online service tools are useful to be perceived as a customer-oriented and competent partner even before personal contact by the target group.

Not least, a website should of course be optimized for search engines: namely from a technical and editorial point of view. A website on the search engines continue to move forward continuously, help the so-called off page activities besides the on page. These are measures that are taken outside of their own website in order to increase the relevance in search engines. This includes for example the entire online PR or social media marketing.

Coming back to your question: A good business website must provide users with a clear added value. Only then they come back and build a relationship with the company on.

How important is the issue of mobile use in online marketing for B2B companies?

According to the online study , the proportion of those who at least occasionally looking over the smartphone or tablet for information on the Web has increased in the past five years from 11 to 50 %. 22 % are even online daily mobile! This is a trend, which also includes B2B company cannot be closed. A business site should now adapt to all screen sizes and be operated intuitively from any device. A good solution for this is the responsive web design. It allows the automatic adjustment of the site to any screen size. Especially in a rebuilding or extensive revision of a website it is worth to set from the outset on responsive web design. Importantly, in addition to the site, the service apps and newsletters for mobile access is optimized.

Keyword Content Marketing: A serious trend or old hat?

Simply put: High quality content attracts quality business contacts. Admittedly, this is not entirely new. Good content can be & Tricks for each target group infographics, case studies or advice. The first step is about to find out about meetings with sales staff and targeted data analysis of user behavior, what topics for the target group of interest, what moves them, what their needs are and typical problems.

However, it is not just on the relevance and quality of the contents, but also to an attractive presentation. Many B2B companies choose to date - presumably on the premise that only rational on the data purchase decisions were made - a very sober and purely fact-based sales approach. Studies such as the CEB Marketing Leadership Counsel of 2013, however, show that in the B2B Business binding factors such as popularity, trust and image twice as much influence on decisions as have the so-called "hard facts". Company or the supervising agencies are therefore asked to tell the company data and facts and good stories to venture unusual productions to reach the attention of customers, an identification with the brand and a commitment to the company. In this respect, the principles of content marketing have novelty value in the B2B sector definitely.

What tips do you give a B2B company who want to start with a strategic online marketing?

First of all, it's good that companies recognize the potential of online marketing and draw the right conclusions. Success depends then largely on the holistic and targeted online marketing strategy from, for a fixed budget should be planned.

The most important element of the overall strategy in online marketing is like saying the business site. Which is geared towards the target group content marketing strategy, however forms its core content. With a targeted link, for example, from social media channels to bring their business content to readers and thus to their target audience. B2B company, especially the career networks XING and LinkedIn is certainly interesting, but also Google+, Facebook and Twitter belong, and relevant blogs and knowledge forums.

Important is a strategic link between the social media channels. It is worthwhile to carry out regular editorial meetings, to plan and evaluate messages. Depending on the marketing target other components of online marketing such as newsletter marketing and display advertising can then be added.

For long-term success, it is crucial to control the online marketing strategy and readjust continuously. By Web controlling there is an effective method, for each measure, each channel and each campaign to collect data about user behavior. A holistic evaluation through regular reporting then allows conclusions about the effectiveness of the overall online marketing strategy. Based on the valid data location, companies can become more precise into the focus of the audience. In short, a professional web controlling ensures that wastage in online marketing is reduced and companies invest their budget, especially in measures that bring proven profit.

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